‘A Personal Letter To The Good People Of Newtown’
To the Editor:
Dear friends and neighbors, thank you for again bestowing upon me the honor of representing you as Newtown’s voice at the State Capitol. This year’s victory was hard fought, but so many of you made it one of the most personally gratifying days of my life. Whether you voted by absentee or came out in the cold, you turned out in record numbers. Despite the rush, thousands of you took a moment to share a touch, a word, a wave, or nod kind encouragement.
This Election Day was a roller coaster. It began and ended in the dark. Throughout the day, voices, smiles, expressions of affection and even occasional drive-by hot chocolates lit my little corner of the world and warmed me, despite the chill in the air. In the back of my mind on this November 3, 2020, was my Mom & Dad’s first anniversary in heaven, after 63 anniversaries on earth. I could feel them smiling over me, just as I felt your eye contact and smiles on this special day.
I’m grateful for your support and vow to always be here for you, my friends and neighbors. It’s a privilege to be your voice in Hartford and your conduit into Connecticut’s state government.
As I have for eight-years, and with you as inspiration for setting a new standard for constituent service during our pandemic, I look forward to continuing to be your fighter, as individuals, as families, and for our community as a whole.
Again, thank you!
Be well, stay safe, spread only Hope.
Mitch Bolinsky
Newtown State Representative, 106th District
Wiley Lane, Newtown November 4, 2020