Wood To Discuss 'Free Or Fee Genealogy'
The next meeting of Newtown Genealogy Club will be on Wednesday, November 8, in the meeting room of C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street. Meetings start promptly at 7 pm, but guests are invited to arrive early to meet with other genealogists and enjoy light refreshments prior to the meeting and presentation.
This month's speaker is club member Marian Wood. Ms Wood, a popular speaker who regularly holds the attention of attendees, will discuss "Free or Fee Genealogy."
Birth, marriage, death, and other genealogical research can be costly. Ms Wood will share tips on refining research by going from the best-known sites to free and low-cost sources via Linkpendium, historical and genealogical societies, courthouses, libraries, and more. Learn when it makes sense to pay for a record, based on timeliness, research gaps, and the uniqueness of the record.
Ms Wood is an avid family history researcher and speaker at genealogical meetings and conferences. She is the author of Planning a Future for Your Family's Past, a concise guide to analyzing and organizing genealogy materials, writing a "Genealogical Will," and passing that history to the next generation.
For additional information about this program or the club, contact Bea Morgan at 203-364-1861 or Harlan Jessup 203-426-3981.
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