By Sara Frampton"/>
By Sara Frampton"/> A Vote For Zimmerman And Frampton By Sara Frampton – The Newtown Bee

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A Vote For Zimmerman And Frampton<font size="3"> <br> By Sara Frampton</font>



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To the Editor:

Eva Zimmerman is a hardworking woman. She has been out meeting her Newtown neighbors since March going door to door. She wants to know what is important to you. She wants to represent you. She has experience and contacts in Hartford. She is there for us.

She is a volunteer in town. She rearranges her schedule to help others. My family is proud to know and support Eva Zimmerman for the 106th District. Let's put Newtown first and get someone in that will put us first and fight for us.

Another person that has earned your vote is my mom, LeReine Frampton. She has been overseeing fair, honest, accurate elections for 15 years. Please vote for her and show your appreciation for honest elections. She is on the top row, right next to Eva.

Thank you,

Sara Frampton

6 Pebble Road, Newtown        November 2, 2016

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