White Ribbon Apgainst Pornography Week
White Ribbon Apgainst
Pornography Week
Newtown resident John Leitner, a member of the Morality in Media anti-pornography organization and a member of the Newtown Knights of Columbus, is pleased to have received, in response to his request, an official statement from Governor M. Jodi Rell proclaiming October 28 to November 4 as White Ribbon Against Pornography Week in the State of Connecticut.
Mr Leitner feels it is important to raise awareness in the area of the dangers of pornography.
Some of the key notes of the official statement include that pornography degrades and dehumanizes both female and male participants; that it presents youth with a false and distorted image of human sexuality; and that pornography promotes antisocial behaviors.
Gov Rell issued the proclamation in accordance with the fact that the United States Supreme Court has ruled that obscenity is not protected speech under the First Amendment, and as Federal and State obscenity laws have been enacted, and in view of the fact that 77 percent of peopled polled by Harris Interactive in November 2005 supported the Justice Departmentâs crackdown on obscene materials.