Letters of EndorsementTo the Editor:
Letters of Endorsement
To the Editor:
Newtown is faced with the decision of whether to continue on its current path, with the same leadership and same priorities, or charter a different course, with independent thinkers and a new perspective. It is easy and comfortable to stick with what we already know. Risk is uncomfortable and unsettling. It requires us to question what we have been told, shift our paradigms and make that most important step to take action contrary to how we have acted in the past. Yet we can reap the biggest rewards from these biggest leaps of faith. I believe the time to take that giant leap forward is now. For the first time in many years, Newtown is engaged in a democratic election process offering choices to the standard candidates supported by the Republican and Democratic parties.
Those choices are presented this year by the Independent Party of Newtown. IPN offers a diverse group of candidates with backgrounds in finance, law, education, communication, computer technology, purchasing, planning and management. IPN was formed, in part, because members of the community encountered a lack of accountability and transparency, and an overall absence of checks and balances.
IPN has worked as a cohesive group to develop a platform which they believe addresses the current and future needs of our growing town. A town that will require extensive, integrated planning and preparation as we continue to grow by almost 50 percent in the next 25 years. They share a concern for the path that has led Newtown to escalating taxes, increased traffic throughout town, lack of space for seniors, overcrowded elementary schools and high school, decreased state funding for education, lack of timely funding for infrastructure of our schools, a high school that slid from Blue Ribbon status to warning status, and a per pupil spending which ranks Newtown 136 out of 166 Connecticut schools.
It has been an honor to work with this talented group of IPN candidates. I have been impressed with their accomplishments in a relatively short period of time, and proud of how they have maintained their dignity and professionalism. I urge you to take that giant leap forward by voting November 6 for the Independent Party of Newtown candidates as well as Donna A. Monteleone, write in candidate for the two-year Board of Education seat, Ruby Johnson, unaffiliated candidate for Legislative Council in District 3, Joe Borst, Republican for First Selectman, Paul Mangiafico, Republican for Selectman, Robert Mulholland, Republican for Planning and Zoning, and Lillian Bittman, Democrat for Board of Education.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gianine Crowell
Treasurer, IPN
26 Canterbury Lane, Sandy Hook                    October 31, 2007