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Occupation: I have been the owner and sole proprietor of Kesco Electric Company for 24 years. Kesco stands for K(aren)E(lizabeth)S(tan)Co. My son wasn't born at the time so his first initial didn't get into the name. For the last ten years I have



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Occupation: I have been the owner and sole proprietor of Kesco Electric Company for 24 years. Kesco stands for K(aren)E(lizabeth)S(tan)Co. My son wasn’t born at the time so his first initial didn’t get into the name. For the last ten years I have also been doing home improvement contracting. I really enjoy my work, and a lot of it’s because I really enjoy working with people. I graduated from Henry Abbott Technical School in Danbury. I taught night school there for four and a half years.

How Long in Newtown: I have lived in Newtown for 27 years. I was born in Stamford, and my family moved to Bethel when I was 13.

Biggest Change Seen in Town: Word has gotten out that Newtown is a great town, so we have a large number of new people and, yes, more traffic. On the positive side, we have some exciting changes in regard to Fairfield Hills. I think it could be the jewel in the crown.

Family: My wife, Karen, and I have been married for 26 years. We were high school sweethearts. She is an exercise physiologist. Our daughter Elizabeth is 25, and in her final year of grad school at Yale. She is becoming a nurse practitioner, and is engaged to be married in May 2003. Our son Nicholas is 22, and is teaching fifth grade in Baltimore, Md. He is to be married in June 2003.

Pets: I have a dog, Maggie, my running partner. My wife has a miniature pig, Dolly.

Hobbies: Running with Maggie. I love to travel, to see and experience new cultures. Last year we were in Kenya, Africa, where we went on safari. I also enjoy various types of music.

Favorite Books and Authors: I love to read whenever I get a chance, and sometimes can’t wait to get back to my current book, and can’t put it down. My choice of books is much like my choice of music, varied. I like classical, oldies, and soft rock.

Favorite TV Show: ER. I also enjoy watching the World Series, Super Bowl, and UConn women’s basketball.

Organizations: Chamber of Commerce. I have been a member of the Christmas Tree Committee for 19 years. We have a terrific group and have a lot of fun. I am a Eucharistic minister at St Rose. I am also a board member for Danbury Emmaus, which sponsors Christian retreats four times a year. It’s a three-day thing, from Friday night to Sunday.

Most Vivid Memory of Newtown: That would have to be the night of the tree lighting with all the people and the sense of community. My early memories of the Christmas tree are that I always was worried that the tree wouldn’t light. I also remember the children’s faces filled with awe and wonder.

Favorite Vacation Spot: It’s a toss-up between Italy and Germany.

Personal Philosophy: Try to leave the world a better place than when I got here.

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