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Occupation: I have been a power maintenance engineer for the Southern New England Telephone Company for four years. I have a bachelor of science and an engineering degree in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut.



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Occupation: I have been a power maintenance engineer for the Southern New England Telephone Company for four years. I have a bachelor of science and an engineering degree in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut.

How Long in Newtown: I moved to Newtown in 1995 when my wife and I got married and built a house in “The Hook.”

Biggest Change Seen in Town:  I believe the biggest change to hit Newtown is yet to be seen with the pending purchase of Fairfield Hills Hospital. This is an extremely controversial issue that will have far-reaching effects. .

Family: My wife, Donna, and I have been married for four years. Donna plays the oboe, and I met her while I was playing the harpsichord at UConn. We have one son, John, who is 2, and Donna is pregnant and due in February with another boy.

Hobbies: Most of my hobbies have slowed considerably since I spend almost all my time with my family. I have been playing the piano since I was 8. I collect brass HO model trains. I collect antique telephone switching equipment. I am restoring an antique gasoline engine. I participate in SCCA Pro Rally races. And I donate the use of my railroad motor-handcar to the Danbury Railway Museum.

Favorite Books and Authors: I’ve never been a reader of “great literature.” I like to read old technical text books and historical books about railroads. The latest group of books I’ve finished is a seven-volume set on the Rio Grande Southern Railroad.

Favorite TV Show: We watch minimal TV at our house. I don’t watch TV at all, and my boy only sees a half an hour a day. However, I do remember enjoying Mr Wizard when I was younger and, more recently before we were married, Bill Nye The Science Guy.

Organizations: I am a member of St. Rose parish, the Knights of Columbus Newtown Council 185, the Danbury Railway Museum and the Danbury Music Center.

Favorite Vacation Spot: Our only vacation spot so far is my in-laws’ home in Gunnison, Colo. I’ve been to all the provinces of Canada, and 47 of the states. However, I like the mountains the best, and John loves to go see Donna’s parents. It’s nice to go somewhere so remote and in such a beautiful section of the country.

Most Vivid Memory of Newtown: My most vivid memory is one of my most recent: working on the Town Hall clockworks.

Personal Philosophy: Like the Old Farmers Almanac says, I look at my woodpile with fondness. It takes all year to build up, yet it gets taken down every year. Many people feel better facing the winter with a paid up heating bill, but I take contentment with my woodpile. It’s not as fuel that it makes its appeal to me, but as a symbol. It’s a station of the year, and I feel it best represents seasonal work: something I must do every year, yet it is never really done. I’ll tear this one down, and I’ll have to build a new one next year. It connects us to the year, and to each other. So, looking at our woodpiles with affection, by definition, makes us philosophers then.

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