The Opportunity Of A Lifetime
To the Editor:
It's hard to believe we are inside of a week before Election Day. My family and I are grateful for how wonderfully we have been treated by everyone in Newtown over the course of the campaign. There is no question that running for first selectman has been the opportunity of a lifetime for me.
As we conclude campaign season, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how fortunate I am to have a terrific running mate in Maureen Crick Owen. When I started exploring the idea of departing from my career in financial services to run for first selectman, one of the first people I reached out to was Maureen, as she has both deep roots in and a long resume of service to our community. We shared our ideas about Newtown and reminisced over how lucky we both were to have grown up here. One meeting turned into two and then three, and before long it was clear we made a great team.
Maureen and I agree that in an already high tax environment, we need to make difficult financial decisions and control spending now more than ever. Therefore, one of our major campaign objectives is to undertake an inclusive strategic planning process to set the top priorities and direction for our community. Additionally, Newtown needs to put real focus into an economic development effort so we can grow our business tax base responsibly and reduce residential taxes. Finally, town government needs to increase community engagement by developing an effective communications strategy.
Our motives are not partisan and our friends can tell you that we've never been attention seekers. We've always embraced working in teams and that is, quite frankly, the only way to move the town forward and accomplish something great.
I would be honored to earn your vote on Election Day this Tuesday, November 7, and I hope that you will join me in casting a vote for Maureen Crick Owen for selectman.
With appreciation,
Dan Rosenthal, candidate for first selectman
9 Megans Circle, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ November 1, 2017