Vote For Winter!
To the Editor:
As election day approaches, I believe it is important for Newtown voters to consider their current choices and remember the past history of what the major political parties of Newtown have given us.
Over the past 25 years, what have Newtown residents had to contend with? Yearly tax increases, yearly spending increases, yearly mill rate increases, mismanagement of the Fairfield Hills property, and no substantial economic development.
It is amazing to think that what passes for economic development in Newtown is the opening of two micro breweries. New package stores, bringing the total of them to at least eight. These, along with two drugstores with drive-ups to pick up your drugs, and a Board of Education budget that is out of control as the student population decreases, should make Newtown’s town slogan “Drunk, Stoned, and Stupid.”
In regards to Fairfield Hills, how is it possible that for 15 years we have been told the buildings could not be developed, that they were old and costly to renovate? Prime real estate in Fairfield County wasting away. No revenue coming in as the property sits idle. How amazing that a building for town hall could be renovated, a building for the parent connection renovated. How about some development that will actually benefit the taxpayers and increase the tax base?
Both political parties in Newtown have failed us. That is why I am endorsing my dog, Winter, for First Selectman as a write in candidate. The point being that my dog can do a better job than what we have been given the past 25 years. I encourage everyone who is tired of the business as usual politics that infects Newtown to vote for Winter. A write-in vote for Winter will signal to the Newtown swamp that we have had enough.
Ernest Vitarbo
20 Turkey Hill Road, Newtown October 30, 2019