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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Emphatic Support For Jordana Bloom



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To the Editor:

I urge Newtown voters to commit to an emphatic yes vote for Jordana Bloom.

Our local government should reflect the community, and like many governing bodies, female representation is disproportionately low. The Legislative Council, and District 2 in particular, need balancing out with the continued presence of Jordana. Hers is a voice that has grown invaluable over the last two years on LC, whether she is supporting judicious education funding or progressively crafting the plastic bag ban. She was the only candidate I heard at the Friends of Newtown Seniors/League of Women Voters forum promoting a reduction in polarization among views between seniors and families with school-aged children. Jordana conducts herself with intellect, perspective, and an undaunted manner as she shapes an approach in the best interests of the community. Please join me in supporting Jordana Bloom for reelection.

Barbara Wojcik

25 Horseshoe Ridge Road, Sandy Hook October 30, 2019

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