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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Continuing Education Courses Available



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Newtown Continuing Education announced it has limited openings available in the following classes. Contact Newtown Continuing Education at 203-426-1787 for further information or to express interest in a program.

Further information is also available at newtowncontinuinged.org.

Yoga Stretch With Missy: A six-class course, starts on Wednesday, November 5, for a $69 fee. Unwind from a stress-filled day with a relaxing evening of yoga. This yoga practice is designed to lengthen and stretch breath. Wear sweatpants and bring an exercise/yoga mat. A yoga strap and yoga block are optional.

Social Security And You: A one-time class on Wednesday, November 5, for a $29 fee. Whether retired or close to retirement, learn techniques to dramatically increase net retirement income. Learn advanced strategies on how to get the most from Social Security and Medicare benefits as well as ten key facts about Social Security benefits.

Budi Reiki: A two-time class offered on Monday, November 10, and Tuesday, November 11, for a $59 fee. Discover Reiki and how a practitioner can enhance performance. Budhi Reiki is a certificate course that will teach the practitioner the secrets behind the five Reiki principles to discover past lives of the practitioners clients and themselves. Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be provided.

Clutter Therapy: Living An Organized Life: A one-time class on Tuesday, November 11, for a $29 fee. Get organized with professional organizer Karen Pierce, who will guide and inspire course attendees through the process of going from chaos to calm.

Reiki I, II, III: A three-time class, being offered Monday, November 17, Tuesday, November 18, and Wednesday, November 19, for a $89 fee. Reiki I instructs the student on Reiki and meditation. Reiki II connects the student to the greater energy of Reiki. During the course, the students are given three sacred symbols, each having a specific function. These symbols can then be used as a focus to enable the student to strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send absentee healing. Reiki III is advanced Reiki treatment where the practitioner learns to use their Reiki to the fullest. Reiki III ensures the practitioner has knowledge of the human anatomy and the practitioner will learn to use a Reiki grid. Upon successful completion of the three-night course, a certificate will be provided.

Getting Paid to Talk…An Introduction to Professional Voice-Acting-1 Class: A one-time class being offered on Monday, November 10, for a $39 fee. This class will explore numerous aspects of voice-over work for television, film, radio, books on tape, documentaries, and the internet. It will cover all the basics, including how to prepare a demo and how to be successful and earn great income in this exciting field. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and to hear examples of demos recorded by professional voice actors. Class participants will even have a chance to record a commercial script under the direction of a producer.

The Art of Drawing 2: A five-class course starting on Tuesday, November 18, for a fee of $99. A continuation of the Introduction to The Art of Drawing, students will continue learning how to draw through creative exercises. Drawing from still life compositions, projected images, and through group exercises students will learn about trusting their eye to draw what they are observing. Student should bring newsprint or cheap drawing paper, tracing paper, drawing pencils, white erasure, vine charcoal or square Char-Kole, and a gray kneadable artist erasure. The instructor will supply flood lights, electrical cords, still life items, and small pieces of chamois for $3 each. This course is limited to 12 students.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction-Saturday Retreat, Sound Center for Creative Arts and Mindfulness, Newtown: A one-time event being held on Saturday, November 15, for a $295 fee. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, is an evidence-based, structured complementary medicine and wellness program that uses mindfulness as a way of learning to tap into inner resources, empowering the person to respond rather than react to stress, pain, and illness.

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