To the Editor:
To the Editor:
In recent years Newtown has secured a beautiful 43-acre parcel of open space that can be used for outdoor enjoyment and passive recreation. The land includes the Pond Brook trout stream and an abandoned rail bed that is used by hikers, dog walkers, fisherman, equestrians and bird watchers. My wife and I placed a conservation easement on 13.8 acres of this open space allowing public access. The town purchased the adjacent 30 acres. George Ferguson, vice chairman of Newtownâs Conservation Commission was a key player in making this happen. By serving as a resource and keeping the lines of communications open for more than two years, George shepherded this transaction through.
Mr Ferguson is fond of saying: âSuccess has a thousand fathers and failure is an orphan.â Indeed, there were many players involved in bringing this complex transaction to a close, but I can tell you, George played an essential role.
Now George is running for the Legislative Council in District 1 so that he can help the town accomplish even more and keep it moving forward. In my opinion, Newtownâs citizens will be well served by electing George Ferguson to the Legislative Council for District 1.
Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr, MD
Pond Brook Road, Newtown                                      October 27, 2009