To the Editor:
To the Editor:
I am writing today to urge voters in District 2 to vote for Mary Ann Jacob, Po Murray, Gary Davis, and Mike Mossbarger for the Legislative Council in District 2. All four of these individuals are highly skilled and will bring great competence, dedication, and energy to the position.
Po Murray, Gary Davis, and Mike Mossbarger are all members of the Independent Party of Newtown (IPN). Po has proven herself time and again to be a dedicated, hard-working, intelligent, organized woman who puts endless hours into her current role in town government. Her tenacity has grown a small idea into a dynamic political movement in Newtown, motivating many residents to get involved in town politics. Po has established herself as an agent of change who rejects the status quo in pursuit of improved governance.
Gary Davis, has served diligently on the Legislative Council for the past two years. He co-founded this grass roots movement of IPN and has begun to make great strides in this town. His vision of long-term planning will serve this town well if he can continue to institute the changes he began in 2007. His passion for bettering this town is evident in his track record on the Legislative Council.
Mike Mossbarger is new to the local political scene but will bring a strong financial background to the Legislative Council when he is elected. He is vested in this community and is ready to help guide this town towards a future of long-range planning, cautionary fiscal spending, and accountability in government practices. Mike will be a solid addition to the Legislative Council.
Mary Ann Jacob is running on the Republican ticket and has been a Newtown resident for many years. She works for our school system and can often be seen around town at a Board of Finance, Legislative Council, Board of Education or Selectmanâs meeting. Mary Ann has a strong business background which will serve her well in improving the inadequacies of the current administration. Her open-minded attitude and ability to work well with others will serve her well on the Legislative Council.
See you at the polls. Vote, Tuesday, November 3.
Kim Duffy
4 Chestnut Knoll Drive, Sandy Hook                      October 26, 2009