To the Editor:
To the Editor:
It is with great pleasure that we write this letter of endorsement to reelect John Kortze to the Board of Finance.
He truly cares about our town and over the years has shown a steadfast commitment to its well being. He has served as a member of the Legislative Council, and currently serves as chairman of the Board of Finance. His fiscal discipline has served the town well during this period of economic uncertainty. Newtown is a wonderful place to live and raise a family because of dedicated individuals like John.
We have first-hand experience when we say that John is a wonderful father, husband, brother, uncle, and friend. He is trustworthy, honest and intelligent. Most importantly, he is a genuine and caring individual. The financial stability of Newtown is safe in his hands.
When we place our vote on Election Day we will be voting for John Kortze. Under Johnâs leadership, we believe he will continue to make it âNicer in Newtown.â
Cary and Lucy Kortze
7 Rooster Ridge Road, Newtown                              October 27, 2009