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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

I’m sure many people have heard the phrase, “A little bird told me today.” It is a sweet sentiment used as an opening line for many different subjects.

Last week I went out for a walk and to my surprise a little bird swooped down from a tree. She perched herself on my shoulder and said, “Hey lady we need to talk.” I was sort of freaked out. It was like a fairy tale. She said, “No need to fear my dear. I won’t take a bite out of your ear! But I do have some advice for you to hear.”

“All of us birds fly around everyday, and we all agree and feel the same way. We see skater’s unsafely skating in our home of Newtown. We are aware believe it or not of the people who care, and they are working real hard to construct a skate park. At some point we will thank them all, but for now we want to let you know that we need your vote. This will help you decide which way to go.”

This is what I heard from the bird when you cast your vote on November 3rd. Pat Llodra is running for First Selectman. Jim Juliano for Edmond Town Hall, (managers) and let’s not forget Jan Brookes for Legislative Council-District 3. They have gone out on a limb and out of their way to help our skater’s have a skate park some day.

Jim Juliano has gotten concrete for half price and as every skater knows concrete is sweet! So the bird said share this message with all the folks and tell them to please go out and vote and remember this important note.

Thankfully yours,

Lori Capozziello

123 Toddy Hill Road, Sandy Hook                           October 24, 2009

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