Newtown's 9-year-old baseball Field Day was held this past weekend and players were honored as follows:
Published: Oct 30, 2009 12:00 am
Newtownâs 9-year-old baseball Field Day was held this past weekend and players were honored as follows:
Fall League MVP: Adam Bergeron. Sportsman: Harrison Hoffert. Clinic MVP: Eugene Citrano. Gold Glove (infield): Adam Bergeron. Gold Glove (outfield): Chris Mok. Fastest Runner: Henry Primavera. Ball Toss Champs: Ben Dieckman and Joey Conrod. Home Run Champ: Owen McInerney. Egg Toss Champs: Colby Olson and Avi Bhava. Assistant Coaches of the Year: Mark Flynn and Frank Kosakowski. Grounds Keepers of the Year: Scott Scriven and Rory Dieckman.