What’s In Common?
To the Editor:
Black Lives Matter, too!
This is the phrase that I think more accurately reflects what the message is. If it was expressed like this at the outset, I believe much of the antagonism and anger would have been short-circuited before it began.
Meanwhile, I would like to pose a question:
Q: What do the following names have in common?
Reince Priebus, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, John Bolton, Jeff Sessions, John Kelly, James Mattis, Scott Pruitt, Anthony Scaramucci, H.R.McMaster, Rob Porter, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Dowd, Rex Tillerson, Sally Yates, Tom Price, and Omarosa.
A: They are all former members of Trump’s cabinet and inner circle who were either fired or resigned (some under pressure), along with over 40 other less familiar names... [some] of whom have stated what a disaster Donald Trump has been as president, not to mention, a questionable person.
If you are still a Trump supporter, then you believe he speaks the truth; you also have to believe these people, plus the dozens of authors who have written about him, are liars.
Michael Luzzi
173 Boggs Hill Road, Newtown October 28, 2020