For Congress
For Congress
Christopher J. Dodd is on the verge of winning his fifth term in the US Senate, facing a weak challenge this year from Jack Orchulli, a former fashion industry executive. Mr Dodd is a Democratâs Democrat who has become national spokesman for his party and is poised to move into the Senate leadership in his next term. We endorse his reelection.
Beyond all the partisan rhetoric, Mr Dodd has earned a reputation in Washington as a tireless legislator working behind the scenes through compromise and cajoling to win bipartisan support for legislation addressing issues important to all Americans, including election reform, education, the environment, and health. His work on the Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families has highlighted health issues that affect children. He first became known as a champion of children and families over a decade ago for his Family and Medical Leave Act, and he has continued in that role ever since.
Despite his national reputation, Mr Dodd has paid close attention to the needs of Connecticut constituents, making sure that many federal contracts take full advantage of creativity, innovation, and technical skills found in Connecticut workers. Recently, he helped steer a $500,000 federal grant to Newtown to help foster high-tech commercial development off Commerce Road.
Despite Mr Orchulliâs business credentials and moderate views on civil liberties, the environment, and the right to choose, he has not given the voters any compelling reasons to turn Mr Dodd out of office.
After the great battle of the titan incumbents in the Fifth District two years ago, this yearâs race between US Rep Nancy Johnson and her Democratic challenger Theresa Gerratana seems like a non-event. The Democrats had trouble even fielding a candidate this year; Mr Gerratana only got into the race after the original Democratic candidate, Robert Marconi, dropped out after deciding he did not have the time to campaign. Unfortunately, Mrs Gerratanaâs candidacy has come across as mere token opposition to Mrs Johnson.
If Mrs Johnson were not such an effective legislator, we would lament a little more the Democratsâ failure to show up in force this year. Moderate Republicans need to be encouraged as a counterbalance to the conservative Republican juggernaut in the House; Mrs Johnson has been a model by standing up for environmental protection, gun control, and womenâs rights. Her crowning achievement, however, was her co-sponsorship of the Medicare Reform Act, which finally brought prescription drug benefits to the elderly. The legislation still needs work because it is so confusing to many senior citizens. But the act marks a milestone in this countryâs murky record on health care. We urge the voters to send Mrs Johnson back to Congress to continue the fight for better health care to seniors and all citizens.