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Find, Fix, And Destroy



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Find, Fix, And Destroy

To the Editor:

I trust we would agree the foundation of our democracy is a well informed and engaged populace. As November 2 approaches one could argue that we have too much information (accurate and not) and are too little engaged. Regardless of ones political leanings, reputable polls reflect a national majority opinion: the war on terrorism and the Iraqi subset thereof are the key issues of Election Day 2004. Yes, we face challenges like nuclear proliferation, affordable energy, health care, etc. But, without a stable and secure environment at home, we are all threatened. How many single women and union workers died on 9/11? How many children and retirees died in Spain and Russia? Our angst will be economic uncertainty and turmoil, coupled with a real and constant threat to our lives, a pretty good reason for us to become intellectually honest with ourselves and seriously engaged before November 2.

As a West Point, ex Green Beret Captain, and student of history, a basic tenet of strategy and tactics, Find, Fix, and Destroy (FFD) has always stuck with me. The defeat of the Taliban in Afghanistan and concentration of Islamic and Bathhist extremists in the Sunni triangle are a direct result of FFD at work. Whether at the squad, division, or national level, the plan is working. The surrender of WMD in Libya was one indication of an Arab leader who understands this. Others, from the Sunni Triangle will follow. FFD is also being applied outside of Afghanistan and Iraq.  The quiet efforts of several governments in the Mideast are helping the United States to Find and Fix the teachers, trainers, and supporters aligned against us and the Iraqi people. Destroy is supplanted with Dismantle, but the strategy is the same.

The indecisiveness of the previous administration and the ineptness of the United Nations saw the window for Dismantling come and go in the heart of the Mideast. The US military has confined many of our enemies (including Osama) into a position where they are being Fixed and Destroyed. The majority of Iraq (not covered by the press) is moving steadily ahead on the road to peace, while the Fixing process has increased the concentration of those who wish us harm into Fallujah and other cities in the Sunni triangle. Like Hitler in his bunker, Osama, the Bathhist hardcore, and their ilk can only organize furtive strikes.  And like Hitler, they will eventually be destroyed while their followers abandon them and get on with their lives. Any loss in the US military is gut wrenching, but it pales in comparison to the losses of  9/11, and the future casualties we will experience should we wait and hope the situation subsides to the nuisance level.

John Kerry claims he has a stronger and better plan. France and Germany have stated they want no part of it, and unless Kerry’s Vietnam experience includes a revolutionary rewrite of over 100 years of successful military doctrine, it is easy to understand why. Bluntly said, there is not a better plan. The only impediments to the success of FFD are a lack of its consistent, disciplined application, and ambiguity in the chain of command. Unlike President Bush, consistency, discipline, and clarity are not traits the various polls attach to John Kerry.

We Americans by our nature are idealistic. But as we objectively examine our life experiences and the events around us, we are being called on to deal with the realities that confront us versus surrendering to the false idealism that weakens us. George Bush and our military have, we must, and Kerry has provided no substantive evidence he can.

Jim Davis

6 Pheasant Ridge Road, Newtown                          October 26, 2004

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