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Computer SocietyTo Meet Nov. 2



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Computer Society

To Meet Nov. 2

DANBURY — At the November 2  Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS) meeting, Whitney Vondergeest of Microsoft will talk about how to have more fun, learn and explore, keep in contact, and increase production with your computer.

She will talk about discovering how to experience more of the photos, music, television, movies, and games with Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. She will also talk about an important topic of the day, on keeping safe and secure with Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 supports the broad range of digital entertainment including TV, music, photos, music, and games. When connected to a home network, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 can become a hub for entertainment, providing access through connected devices in any room in the home, or through portable players on the go.

The November 2 meeting will be held at Danbury Hospital auditorium starting at 7 pm with computer related questions and answer session, followed by short club announcements. Microsoft presentation will be starting promptly at 8 pm. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information check www.dacs.org.

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