Supporting Two BOE Candidates
To the Editor:
I am writing to share my support for two Board of Education candidates — Dan Cruson, Jr, running for re-election, and Jennifer Padilla.
I have had the opportunity to see Dan Cruson, Jr, in his current role on the Board of Education. He is extremely thoughtful, asking good questions and making decisions that support all students, staff, and education in Newtown.
Jennifer Padilla and I met a few years ago as we were both serving as Parent Teacher Association (PTA) presidents in Newtown schools. She has lots of energy and is tirelessly working for our students and staff. I also worked with her as a member of PEAC (Parent Educator Advisory Council.) She has already shown how dedicated she is to our schools and is eager to take on this new role.
Both Dan and Jen are willing to work hard to keep our children safe, use facts and data to make tough decisions, and support an equitable, respectful education for all. They are both committed to working collaboratively with the new coordinator of diversity, equity, and inclusion to create a safe and supportive environment for both students and staff.
More than ever, it is important to support Board of Education candidates that will respect and support all students and staff and make decisions based on facts.
Please remember to vote on November 2.
Thank you.
Karyn Holden
Sandy Hook