To the Editor:
To the Editor:
This is a letter of endorsement in support of Phil Cruz for police commissioner on the IPN ticket. After knowing Phil for the past ten years on a personal and professional level, I can testify to his outstanding qualifications that are perfectly suited for this particular position.
If the voter were to examine Philâs resume in detail, it would become abundantly clear that Phil has a keen understanding of service and leadership in both the public and private sector. His training and experience as a United States Military Officer aligns him with the kind of integrity we expect from any public servant. His employment as a sales engineer indicates his technical expertise and his ability to engage new ideas for efficiency in law enforcement. His experience as a teacher in the Newtown Public Schools is a window into his ability to work with a diverse group of people with objectivity and compassion. In addition, Phil has held a number of appointed positions on various public commissions in both Newtown and Danbury.
The voter is compelled to make the most important decision as to who will become the stewards of the public trust. The personal and professional qualifications of Phil Cruz are what I believe to be very well suited for the Police Commission. I am suggesting that you cast a vote that stands for integrity, competence, and passion for community governance. Among other good candidates for the position of Police Commissioner, I am suggesting that you cast your vote for Phil Cruz.
Donald H. Ramsey
3 Prospect Drive, Newtown                               October 25, 2011