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Orwellian Doublespeak



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Orwellian Doublespeak

To the Editor:

I have attempted to get some bearing on where IPN is on the issues of Newtown. Just when I think I have some idea, like musical chairs, one leader expressing one thing, another saying something else, yet another platform expresses other opinions and platitudes. My conclusion is that the IPN leadership style of personal antagonist styles doesn’t work. For example, the Republicans don’t want to deal with the right-of-Tea-Party Bill Furrier, and the Democrats don’t want to deal with Po Murray and her weekly 80-plus questions, where everything’s a conspiracy, against her. Well, anyway, here is the (Orwellian) Doublespeak I see:

IPN Platform: “We are not politicians”; but 11/5/07 IPN Newsletter, Po Murray: “Having lived in 9 different communities over the last 15 years ... the writing on the wall in Newtown is clear and concise — it’s time to become political.”

IPN Platform advocates “a complete plan for meeting affordable housing.” This is an astonishing statement, the statute requires ten percent of all housing in Newtown be affordable housing; the only way to accomplish this is to have Fairfield Hills as multiple housing projects. Only the largest cities in Connecticut have satisfied this requirement. Either IPN is ignorant as to what they are talking about, or they have a hidden Fairfield Hills agenda.

Furrier: “...the majority of our elected leaders are choosing an arrogant position of governing against the will of the community” Patch 1/12/10. (Furrier is apparently all-knowing); “Most of our elected leaders don’t want the people to have more say in the budgetary matters”, Patch. (Really? Who?). Chain e-mails – Furrier involved in “whispering” campaign against Pat Llodra, Patch News Story 3/22/11; yet Furrier states, “I have never questioned the dedication of these people who have served the community and I further commend those that serve.” Patch, 3/7/11.

Furrier on February vacation: “We are a skiing family and take great stock in our family ski vacation. You may not enjoy the outdoors during winter, you may spend it on your sofa gaining weight...” Patch 1/31/11; rather insulting from an elected official regarding people who may have physical challenges or health issues.

Po Murray — Murray admits to taking cheap shots — Patch, 5/20/10.

Tom Bittman (IPN): “Anyone who feels that this tax increase ‘dooms’ them can leave. There are cheaper places to live than Fairfield County.” Patch.

Po Murray: “Voters are apathetic; it’s fathers’ fault for budget failure, if voting fathers showed up at the polls, the budget would easily win.” Patch, 5/25/11.

Po Murray: “It’s difficult to motivate voters especially during these challenging economic times...” Patch, 5/25/11, but ...Po Murray: “Unemployment in Newtown reported 6.3 percent, one of lowest ranked in 122 of 169 towns.” Patch, 5/10/11.

Newspapers unfair says IPN.

IPN supports riddance of O-O bus system.

Po Murray supports replacement of our volunteer fire departments with a paid fire department, Public Hearing 3/1/06.

Seems they’ll say anything to get elected!

Thank you.

Ross Carley

66 Currituck Road, Newtown                                    October 26, 2011

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