Reed's Butterfly Garden
Reedâs Butterfly Garden
To the Editor:
Recent projects at Reed Intermediate School are examples of how community members can accomplish a lot by pooling their energy, time, and resources.
Principal Donna Denniston had, in speaking with members of the schoolâs PTA, suggested that a butterfly garden would be a nice addition to the interior courtyard at Reed. But the budget for the garden was tiny, and that spot of bare ground allocated for the garden was big â almost 1,000 square feet. As PTA members and garden designers, we gladly accepted the task of designing the garden, which will have plants offering both nectar and food to butterflies and their larva.
Next came the challenge of obtaining the plants. Both Tom Johnson of Lexington Gardens and John Rutte of Hollandia Nurseries generously donated a number of plants that we needed. We were then able to purchase most of the remaining plants.
Then came planting day, when Girl Scout Troop 78 pitched in and offered lots of help digging in that hard ground and planting the butterfly garden. Many thanks to Tom Johnson, John Rutte, the scouts and their leaders, and to the Reed custodial staff, who helped get cart after cart of plant material, etc to the courtyard that day.
In addition, Girl Scout Troop 207 has also worked hard on gardening at Reed; they planted mums, as well as bulbs, that they donated, in front of the school. These efforts and contributions will benefit students at Reed for years to come.
Sarah W. Middeleer
7 South Main Street, Newtown                              October 26, 2005