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Proposed Authority By-Laws Establish Work Committees



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Proposed Authority By-Laws Establish Work Committees

By John Voket

A set of by-laws for the Fairfield Hills Authority proposed and circulated to members for consideration at the panel’s last meeting would establish at least three permanent subgroups to help move particular items of business requiring the concentrated expertise of their members.

While those by-laws may not be formally adopted until the third week of November, the authority’s Planning Committee is scheduled to meet with the Connecticut Development Authority November 16 to discuss sources of funding for certain projects that could unfold on the town-owned campus when required hazardous soil remediation is completed next summer.

According to authority Chairman Robert Geckle, the meeting will be the first step in attempting to relieve local taxpayers of the total burden of underwriting initial development projects. At the authority’s October 18 meeting, Mr Geckle told fellow commissioners, project management representatives of O&G Industries, and environmental engineer Russell Bartley that he was committed to hone 16 prospective companies expressing interest in key projects at Fairfield Hills to just a few by early November (See related story).

The by-laws would also establish an Operating Committee and a Finance Committee. Other committees dedicated to strategic special or interim projects might also be established as needed.

The proposed by-laws outline the specific responsibilities of each of the authority’s main committees. The Planning Committee would focus specifically on near-term and long-range plan development and execution consistent with both the ordinance that established the authority as well as the Master Plan for Development of Fairfield Hills. Among the Planning Committee’s duties would be the development and review of plans for soil remediation, building remediation, demolition, and mothballing of appropriate facilities.

Planning Committee members would additionally develop and review plans for the construction or establishment of town facilities and playing fields on the campus; plans for infrastructure improvements including utilities, streets, and other stipulations drawn from the master plan; plans for private and public sector developments for economic, cultural, educational, and other community needs; property development structure including realty advisory services; and negotiating any or all leases that would be instituted going forward.

The Operating Committee would be charged with coordinating town officials, outside contractors and consultants on elements of the operating plan for the campus. Members would advise on employing staff and fixing their duties and establishing their contracts for service, or employ private contractors; expend funds to implement aspects of the master plan; work with the property management firm and town departments on operating plan execution, costs, and timing; and coordinate with O&G Industries on work order development and execution.

The Finance Committee would focus on monthly, quarterly, and annual financial performance providing review, analysis, and reporting of monthly expenses; the costs and estimates for execution of the master plan; and capital improvement requests.

Under the proposed by-laws, each of the subcommittees would be appointed at the discretion of the chairman.

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