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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Republicans’ Divestment Of America



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To the Editor:

Kevin McCarthy has stated if the Republicans win Congress they will:

Get rid of Social Security and Medicare. The Democrats not only support Social Security and Medicare but want to expand it.

Reverse the law allowing the government to negotiate prescription drug prices for seniors on Medicare. You will pay more.

Pass a national abortion ban bill introduced in the Senate. Democrats want to codify a woman’s right to make health decisions about her own body. Republicans want to own a woman’s body.

Make the Trump tax breaks permanent for corporations and the super rich. Deficits will rise. Democrats believe corporations and the very wealthy should pay their rightful share. As a result the deficit has been reduced this year by $1.4 Trillion.

Water down support for Ukraine, siding with Dictator Putin in his illegal war against Ukraine. President Biden has worked tirelessly to rebuild our relationship with our allies and to strengthen NATO in support of Ukraine and democracy.

While Republicans continue to lie about a “stolen election,” President Biden and the Democrats worked to get the COVID pandemic under control, gave a life line to small businesses and citizens to ease the challenges of the COVID shutdowns.

They invested in infrastructure upgrading and repairing our crumbling bridges, rail, roads, airports, broadband; planned for our future against global warming with the largest investment in decades to reduce greenhouse gases; passed the most significant gun safety bill in decades; created incentives in manufacturing semiconductors here in America rather than importing them from China; given debt relief to students overburdened by the high cost of education; held those responsible for the attack on the US government to prevent a peaceful transfer of power, a hallmark of our democracy.

This they have accomplished despite Republican obstruction. It is imperative we elect Democrats to continue this INVESTMENT in America rather than Republican DIVESTMENT. Newly elected Republicans will vote with their MAGA controlled party. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are examples of what happens when you have another opinion.

Vote for your future. Invest in America. Vote for Jahana Hayes, Dick Blumenthal and the other Democrats running in federal and statewide elections. Our democracy depends on it.

Jo Loi


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1 comment
  1. local man says:

    “Democrats believe corporations and the very wealthy should pay their rightful share.” The “very wealthy”, we can use the top 1% of earners (over 540k), pay about 40% of all income taxes received, and the highest tax rate. This is fact. What is their “rightful share”?

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