A Clear Choice
To the Editor:
After attending the recent "First Selectman Candidate Forum," I came to one undeniable conclusion: all three candidates are equally sincere in their dedication to serving our community. The glaring difference is between Will Rodgers, who, in his own words is "Simpatico with Pat Llodra. We finish each other's sentences," and Dan Rosenthal, whose ideas seemed like a breath of fresh air from past business as usual: high taxes and crummy roads.
Newtown has been stuck in the same old, same old long enough. We, as voters, have a clear choice. One Newtown, All Together, Moving Forward.
Please Vote.
Paul Fadus and Cris Carvalho
5 Sunset Hill Road, Newtown ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 27, 2017