To the Editor:
To the Editor:
How fortunate the people of Newtown are to have so many capable and dedicated volunteer elected officials who are willing to continue to serve our town government during these challenging times.
These dedicated and hard working individuals have studied in depth the issue of whether or not to purchase Fairfield Hills; and, if not, which developer (if any) to choose. In either case, they have the responsibility of how their decision will financially impact all of us. Another immediate issue is the one of the construction of a 5/6 school. How about the huge decision of where and how to handle the municipal space needs which are in dire straits? More financial impact of a gargantuan nature.
The incumbents on the Legislative Council must be returned to office for the next two years to continue (and maybe even finish) these projects for which they have given so much of their attention, study, time and consideration. Please come out to return the following Republican incumbents to office: Cynthia Curtis Simon, town clerk; William Brimmer, selectman; Pierre Rochman, Edward Lucas, Donald Studley, Joseph Borst, William Rodgers, John Kortze and Brian White, Legislative Council; Steven Koch and James Boylan, Planning & Zoning. They should be voted back. Andrew Buzzi and Douglas Brennan are the candidates for the 2nd District vacancy created by Karen Blawie, who chose not to seek re-election. Richard Simon, Police Commission candidate, and Sheila Stickles, Board of Education candidate, would also appreciate your vote.
Yes, there are others in the community who are well-suited and informed for these positions. However, this is not the time to change what is in place and moving in a forward, expeditious and honorable manner to serve our community. The sound judgment and lack of personal agendas they exhibited demonstrates how dedicated they are to making the right solution work for all of us. This Legislative Council is committed to service and truly deserves another two years in office.
Please come out to vote on November 2. Voting is an honor and privilege and necessary to make local government work effectively. The individuals cited above are responsive and responsible. Letâs all support them. Thank you for acknowledging the efforts of all candidates.
                       Very truly yours,
                 (Mrs) Marie Sturdevant - Chairman, Republican Town Committee
6 Westwood Terrace, Newtown                              October 26, 1999