Tips For Parents Of Trick-Or-Treaters
Tips For Parents Of Trick-Or-Treaters
Police Youth Officer Dana Schubert is offering town children and their families some tips on how to have a safe Halloween this Sunday, October 31.
Parents should check to make sure that their childrenâs Halloween costumes are flame-retardant and fit properly to prevent trips and falls. Also, children should be able to see and hear well when wearing a mask.
Light-colored costumes with reflective tape affixed are safer than dark costumes.
Trick-or-treaters should travel in groups and parents should accompany small children.
Parents should map out a safe route with their children and have them stop only at familiar homes where exterior lights are on. Children should not enter a strangerâs house or auto.
Children should not eat their treats until they get home. All treats should be checked out in a well-lighted area before being eaten. Only eat treats that are unopened and in their original wrappers.
The youth officer suggests that parents organize a costume party for neighborhood children.
Trick-or-treaters should carry flashlights with fresh batteries. Children should look both ways before crossing the streets and remain in well-lighted areas.
Children should be taught to respect others and othersâ property.
Residents are asked to remove potentially dangerous objects from their properties to prevent children from being injured.
Homes should be kept well lit with pets kept inside.
Residents should only give out treats in their original wrappers.
Use small flashlights in jack-oâ-lanterns instead of candles.
The police department has available free decorative trick-or-treat bags for children at the police station, 3 Main Street. Â