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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Letter Of Endorsement: Stark For Zachos



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To the Editor:

I am pleased and honored to join with many in endorsing John Zachos for a seat on the Legislative Council for District #3. John has been a long time resident of Newtown and is quite knowledgeable of the issues and problems facing our community.

John and I worked together in the Consumer Products Industry for almost 20 years before my retirement and so I feel well qualified to describe his attributes. I was in Sales and John in Logistics, upon which we depended greatly. John was responsible for ensuring the proper product mix from our manufacturer in Europe, timely trans-Atlantic shipment to our warehouses, and supervised shipments to our customers: a complex job. He performed well with a calm demeanor often under severe pressure ensuring that our company reached its goals.

He will bring the same due diligence ,commitment and determination to finding solutions for the issues facing Newtown and so I urge your support for him.

Walter Stark Newtown

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