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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Letter Of Endorsement: Foss For Chaudhary



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To the Editor:

I’m submitting this letter in support of Neil Chaudhary for the Newtown Police Commission.

Admittedly I’m not as dialed in or connected as I should be to local politics or town management, so having the right people in town leadership positions is very important to me. I vote for individuals that I trust and feel align with my decision-making process and Neil Chaudhary is that type of a leader.

I have known Neil and his family for several years and his commitment to our town and dedication to volunteerism is very impressive and speaks to his true character. Neil is a smart, analytical, deep thinker who I believe has the character necessary to continue to be our Police Commissioner.

I feel that Neil being re-elected as Police Commissioner ensures that Newtown will continue with integrity, nonpartisan opinions, and with someone that I believe is truly invested in what’s best for our town.

I will proudly be voting for Neil Chaudhary for the Police Commission.


Cody Foss

Regional Director, Ben’s Bells Project

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