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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

A couple of quick notes this fabulous fall:

First, Halloween on Main Street is on, we hope everyone has a fun time! Thanks in advance to the Main Streeters, police, and candy donors!

Second, thank you Maura Fletcher for last week’s letter to the editor [“Proud To Be A Nighthawk,” 10/12/12]. You note some fabulous achievements of our kids and schools in scholastics, band, and sports. Of additional note, every day there are very special things performed townwide by remarkable people volunteering their time. Here are some examples I’ve experienced recently. I was asked as a selectman to assist in awarding the trophies in the recent Band Tournament at Blue & Gold Stadium. The event was wonderful! I confess I hadn’t before attended a band competition, my loss. (Soccer, swimming, and lacrosse dominate our lives). How about our girls’ and boys’ high school soccer teams! Football! Cross-Country! to name a few. Go Newtown!

I was invited to the Four Corners Chamber of Commerce breakfast that includes a significant chunk of Newtown. They do amazing charitable work.

I was invited to the VNA annual breakfast, again, more great work. Newtown Scholarship Association awards over $200,000 of scholarships every year, Kevin’s Community Center, our churches and synagogues, Lions and Rotary Clubs… and many more (sorry, only have 500 words).

I have spoken with our first selectman and school superintendent and we agree, a method to promote the unsung work and successes of our children, teachers, residents, and organizations is needed. Newtown is Nicer! But we do need to do a better job at getting the word out. Sometimes we feel it, but because of our busy schedules, don’t readily see it.

Third, I want to congratulate Lisa Romano, candidate for state representative 106th District, for her endorsement by the News-Times. After the recent joint meeting of town boards, the distinction between the 106th District candidates is clear. Lisa Romano is thoughtful and cerebral. Her opponent, Mitch (who I like personally) is more knee jerk. Lisa promotes nurturing of small business and education. Education, the defense industry, and electrical and biological sciences are Connecticut’s natural resources. One of Mitch’s first acts as a candidate was to seek the Connecticut Independent Party endorsement from the questionable outgoing Tea Party officers. He got himself immersed in a lawsuit. Poor choice. At the joint meeting Mitch preached we need a “home run” result — close a school “to save a million dollars.” Really? To date there is not sufficient space to close a school, the student population has not dropped to such a level, and full-day kindergarten next year will actually expand the space needs. Basically… all the facts haven’t arrived yet. The statement to close the school was knee jerk. It’s a work in progress! And, Mitch’s multi-monotonous robocalls versus Lisa’s personal calls…there’s a difference.

Conclusion, Mitch…nice guy…Lisa Romano…thoughtful…pro business…pro education…pro taxpayer! I’m proud to endorse Lisa Romano for 106th state rep! Visit her website at Lisaromano4ct.com.

These are my thoughts and not of any board.

Thank you!

Jim Gaston, Sr.

18 Main Street, Newtown                                                            October 20, 2012

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