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Registrars Remind Qualified Individuals About Approaching Deadlines



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Registrars Remind Qualified Individuals About Approaching Deadlines

By John Voket

There are two opportunities remaining for qualified individuals to register to vote during special sessions being held by Newtown’s Registrar of Voters.

October 23 was the last day to mail in voter registration application. It was also the last day to have someone other than the person registering drop off an application.

October 30 is the last day for qualified individuals to register to vote.

In order to register individuals must come into either the registrar of voters’ office or the town clerk’s office. The town clerk’s office is open 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. The registrar of voters’ office is open 8 am until noon on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On October 30, however, the registrar of voters office will be open from 8 am until 8 pm for those qualified to register to vote in person.

On November 5 from 9 am until 5 pm the registrars are holding limited registration for special circumstance for the following individuals:

*If you are in the armed services you have until 5pm to register to vote;

*If you became a citizen between October 24, 2012, and November 5, 2012, you may register;

*If you turned 18 years of age between October 24, 2012, and November 5, 2012;

*If you become a resident of Newtown between October 24, 2012, and November 5, 2012, you may register to vote.

These are the only exceptions.

Anyone requiring an absentee ballot should contact the town clerk’s office at 203-270-4210.

The registrar of voters’ office and the town clerk’s office are located at 3 Primrose Street in the Newtown Municipal Center on the Fairfield Hills campus.

To reach the Registrar of Voters’ office, call 203-270-4250 or e-mail Democratic Registrar LeReine Frampton at lereine.frampton@newtown-ct.gov or Republican Registrar Karin Aurelia at Karinaurelia@newtown-ct.gov.

Voters may check their registration status as well as the location of their polling place online at Ct.gov/sots.

Just click on the link to check voter status, fill in “Newtown” and your name and date of birth. When the polling location pops up you voters should refer to the state locations.

The “local location” is for the Borough election only, and the “special location” is for the local budget referendum.

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