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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

Our current first selectman’s feigned attempt to be magnanimous in his instructions to the intelligent Newtown voters about the “outlandish misrepresentations and allegations of aspiring candidates” has served to provide more evidence of his arrogance. He essentially ignores the majority of issues being raised by members of this community by characterizing the democratic process of critical scrutiny of incumbents and the free exchange of differing viewpoints essential to a successful election season as “silly.” Thank you Third District Legislative Council Candidate Bob Murray, for an accurate illustration of another political-hypocrisy by Mr Rosenthal. Newtown needs more independent voices in our government.

Mr Rosenthal’s influence in every aspect of our town government and with The Newtown Bee should not be underestimated. When a government leader practices the politics of personality and not the principles of politics we get what many people consider an exclusive rather than an inclusive government.

When a first selectman snubs a sitting United States Senator, it is time for that first selectman to be thanked for his prior service then politely shown the door. When the first selectman seeks out an angry confrontation with a member of Newtown’s Charter Revision Committee because he criticized elected officials, the first selectman should be thanked for his prior service then politely shown the door. When such behavior goes unreported in spite of occurring in front of a Newtown Bee reporter, it’s time for the voters to take back their government — otherwise there is little assurance that accountability can be secured. When 400 citizens attend a Legislative Council Meeting to express their outrage with the direction of Fairfield Hills and the new town hall and our first selectman responds by saying, “I don’t care if this costs me the election,” then it is time for the first selectman to be thanked for his prior service then politely shown the door.

If the first selectman is reelected he will probably claim a mandate for the status quo and proceed with what many believe will be the new Jack Rosenthal Town Hall (former Newtown first selectman and current first selectman’s father).

The Team of Joe Borst and Paul Mangiafico will bring an old concept back to Newtown Politics: “A Government by the People, for the People and of the People.”

Personally I have known the first selectman to be a pretty nice guy; however I find his politics of personality repugnant. In closing I would ask the voters of Newtown to join me in politely showing Mr Rosenthal the door by voting for the Team of Joe Borst and Paul Mangiafico.


Chuck Stofko

18 Chimney Swift Drive, Sandy Hook                     October 24, 2007

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