To the Editor:
To the Editor:
As a music teacher at Newtown Middle School, I would like to share my knowledge of and respect for Anna Wiedemann as someone whom I believe represents the very best for the interests of our schools and our town. I have worked with Anna Wiedemann for ten years. In all that time Anna was the leader of our PTA, building an open channel for communication between parents, staff, and students. She has always taken the time to listen when a problem arises, taking all sides of the issue into consideration. At times she has brought our concerns to the attention of the Board of Education.
While working at the middle school (in the guidance office as a secretary), Anna was co-president of the secretaries union, making her a critical part of negotiations. She helped negotiate three contracts for the secretaries and has always been insightful when teachers approached her about contract questions. She has an inner understanding of what it means to work for the school system and will establish and maintain a spirit of fellowship among public educators, administration, and the community if elected.
Anna is deeply involved in the life of Newtown and devotes her time to attending BOE meetings, BOF and Legislative Council meetings. She volunteers for Meals on Wheels, Newtown VNA, Prevention Council, and has mentored many students. She is a member of the Newtown Democratic Town Committee, Town Hall Board of Managers, and recently was appointed to the Long Range Strategic Planning Committee. Clearly, a busy person who knows how to budget her time and commitments.
I urge you to vote for Anna Wiedemann, someone who has demonstrated care and concern for all Newtowners.
Jonathan Pope
71 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook                            October 24, 2007