Hooked Rug Show A Success, Again
Hooked Rug Show
A Success, Again
To the Editor:
Heritage Preservation Trust of Newtown, Inc, administrator of the Newtown Meeting House, sincerely thanks both individuals and members of our community organizations and businesses for their part in the success of the 6th Annual Newtown Hooked Rug Show, held on October 13. We could never present a show of this scope without their wholehearted cooperation. It is truly a community endeavor in support of the Meeting House, the historical and geographical center of our town, and everyone can be proud of a job well done.
In addition to numerous private individuals, we are greatly indebted to: ATHA Nutmeg Chapter, Burr Farm Nursery, Catherine Larson, C.H. Booth Library, Connor Landscaping, LLC, Danbury News-Times, David Jurman, Garden Club of Newtown, Horticulture Club of Newtown, The Newtown Bee, Newtown High School students, Newtown Junior Womenâs Club, Newtown Middle School students, Newtown Youth Services, Northwest Connecticut Convention & Visitorsâ Bureau, Reed Intermediate School, Society for Creative Arts in Newtown (SCAN), Sophia Wiss, St Rose School students, Taylor Rental of Monroe, and Voices.
Sincerely Sherry Paisley and Liz Alpert Fay
Newtown Hooked Rug Show
38 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook                 October 23, 2007