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Community Supported Bikes Blades And Boards Day



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Community Supported Bikes Blades And Boards Day

To the Editor,

On Sunday, October 17, Newtown Youth Services held Family Bikes, Blades and Boards Day with about 75 participants enjoying the beautiful, scenic routes of Fairfield Hills and surrounding countryside. We appreciate the support of the community for this event, and it is always a pleasure to see families out together sharing some fun. After the disappointment of a total rainout last week, it was a beautiful day for being outdoors.

In recognition of all the work that went into making the day a success, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the following: Cycle Fitness of Monroe, Ski Market, Cheffields Restaurant, the Bicycle Goodie Shop, Bethel Cycle and Fitness, and Norelco for the wonderful prizes; Blue Jay Orchards, Stew Leonards, Dunkin Donuts, Bagelman, Dannon and Evian Water, and Grand Union for their generous food stops; Tunxis Management at Fairfield Hills; the Board of Education, and The Newtown Bee for helping us to promote our event; the Newtown Congregational Church for the use of their equipment; Parks and Recreation, the Newtown Highway Department and the Sandy Hook Fire Department and Tim Gordon and friends for taking care of the boards and blades area.

Lastly, we truly appreciate the efforts of Bob Stowell and Bob Burkhart, who co-chaired the event; the combined efforts of the NYS Board Members and the Youth Advisory Board and other volunteers, who helped to make this a most enjoyable family day.


The Newtown Youth Services Staff

Deborah W. Richardson, Director

Jane Todorski, Assistant Director

Anita Arnold, Office Manager

Roseann Loring, Program Coordinator

41A Main St., Newtown                                     October 20, 1999

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