One Newtown, All Together, Moving Forward
To the Editor:
I am writing to express my support of Dan Rosenthal for first selectman. I met Dan a while ago and have been impressed with the fact that he really takes the time to listen, that he is truly interested in learning from others and he actively demonstrates that he understands the challenges facing Newtown.
As a strong supporter of education in Newtown, I believe it is very important that the town and school district work collaboratively. While a first selectman's first responsibility is to address the town's needs, I appreciate that Dan takes the times to understand the challenges faced by the school district and knows that by making economic development a priority, the town and our public schools will thrive.
Dan has a strong work ethic, is intelligent, optimistic, hardworking, and thoughtful, has a financial background needed in Newtown, and has a vested interest in the success of Newtown.
I, for one, am not looking for "more of the same." I am looking for One Newtown, All Together, Moving Forward. I hope you will join me on November 7 and vote for Dan Rosenthal.
Thank you,
Karyn Holden
68 Berkshire Road, Sandy HookÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 25, 2017