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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Illicit Public Benefits Charge



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To The Editor:

The public benefit charge on your electric bill is a hidden tax.

It is a tax to reimburse Eversource for the people who did not pay their electric bills during the COVID emergency.

It was not voted on.

The Democratic-controlled assembly did vote to extend that period for two additional years after the COVID emergency was over; we were the only state to do that.

The assembly received COVID relief funds from the federal government.

Enough to pay those bills.

However, the Democratic-controlled assembly took that money and chose to spend it on other “priorities.”

Mitch Bolinsky loudly objected to the diversion of the COVID relief funds.

Mitch Bolinsky warned the Democrats that these charges would be passed on to an already overtaxed portion of our citizens.

The Democratic-controlled assembly did it anyway.

And now you are paying for other people’s electric bills.

It is clear who they represent, and it’s not you.

We need to keep Mitch Bolinsky in Hartford as our watchdog over the irresponsible spending and mandates of the legislative majority.

Re-elect Mitch Bolinsky for State Representative.

Andrew Buzzi, Jr


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