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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Democrats And The CT Working Families Party



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To The Editor:

This week, we kick off early voting in Connecticut — a critical moment that should serve as a reminder about what our candidates stand for and what organizations endorse our candidate's values and policies.

On September 5, the Connecticut Working Families Party (CT-WFP) endorsed 84 candidates including Democratic incumbents US Senate Christopher Murphy and US Representative for Connecticut's 5th Congressional District, Jahana Hayes. The CT-WFP’s radical left-wing ideology of Progressivism, social democracy, Democratic socialism, and Green politics primarily endorse like-minded Democrats, who align with their commitment to the transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism and/or using capitalism to create a strong welfare state. The intertwining of these two parties is reflected on the ballot you will be presented with when you vote, with Democratic challengers Christopher Murphy and Jahana Hayes designated as CT-WFP’s chosen candidates. In this critical moment, it is important to understand that a vote for the CT-WFP is a vote for the Socialist/Communist party and their Democratic candidates.

Connecticut is long overdue for real change and in this critical moment, we must also stand strong against the onslaught of radical left ideologies that embrace shades of socialism, communism, fascism, and Marxism. Connecticut was once a state that worked for all, but under the ruling Democratic Party, it’s become a caste system of two separate populations dominated by the empowered global elitists and the socioeconomic disadvantaged that serve them.

“Capitalism is the moral way of running an economy. Socialism is the planning by the few over the lives of many,” Margaret Thatcher.

At this critical moment, let’s all return to the values our country was founded on: Individualism, Equality, Democracy, Liberty, Diversity, Time Management and Personal Control. Vote early! Vote Republican!

Joanne Gaget


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