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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Character Should Matter



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To the Editor:

Shouldn’t character count when it matters most?

If a person convicted of fraud, found liable of defamation and sexual assault applied to work for a company — managing large amounts of money — my guess is that resume would fall to the bottom. If referrals told a story of lies and incorrigibility, they would be out of consideration.

Yet there are millions who would cast their vote to elect such a man to the presidency of the United States of America — Donald J. Trump, who proved in his last term he is unable to effectively govern our great country. I am disturbed and discouraged, bewildered, saddened and dismayed.

There is a much better candidate in Kamala Harris. She is smart and decisive. She will lift people up, not put them down. She cares about finding solutions to help those who struggle. She will not be manipulated by the flattery of dictators. She will work with others whose expertise is outside her area of knowledge in order to govern wisely. She and Tim Walz, her pick for vice president, are experienced.

Trump? Narcissistic. Willfully ignorant. Cruel. A liar. His promises to the average American are not ones he will be able to keep. But do not kid yourself: promises he makes against those he deems “disloyal” to him are ones he will do his utmost to keep.

His “weaving” answers to important questions demonstrate diminished mental capacity. His backup, J.D. Vance, is far too inexperienced to be president. Vance is eager to invent lies to exacerbate hate and sow division. Neither is presidential material.

Our country has always been one rich in diversity, governed with dignity. We are not a perfect country. A vote for Harris/Walz means real solutions to our real problems.

Vote for character that counts.

Nancy K. Crevier


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