Middle Gate, NMS Awarded For Veterans’ Programs
Middle Gate Elementary School and Newtown Middle School (NMS) were recognized for exemplary veterans’ programming during a Celebration of Excellence at the Newtown Board of Education’s (BOE) meeting on Tuesday, October 15.
The two public schools were selected for the Remembering Our Heroes — Teaching About Veterans program, which is an educational recognition available to all of Connecticut’s K-12 schools. This year, there were a total of six schools selected for the honor.
Remembering Our Heroes is a collaboration between the Connecticut Department of Education and the Department of Veterans Affairs that was established by the passing of Public Act No. 16-188 in July 2016.
The program awards schools that incorporate opportunities for student to learn about veterans and their contributions to American society.
“We Are Very Proud”
Superintendent of Schools Dr Lorrie Rodrigue started off the Celebration of Excellence by stating, “We are very proud that the work of our staff at two of our schools, Middle Gate and Newtown Middle School, are being honored this evening.”
She said that they are privileged to have Thomas Saadi, commissioner of veterans affairs; and Stephen Armstrong, of the Connecticut Department of Education, there to present the awards.
Looking out to the audience she also thanked Donna Monteleone Randle, senior vice commander of American Legion Post 202; Jay Mattegat, junior vice commander of American Legion Post 202 and Legislative Council member; and Chuck Taylor, Newtown High School band & guard committee chair, for attending the celebration.
Following her introduction, Mr Armstrong spoke to the BOE and explained that not all the schools who apply for the Remembering Our Heroes program are selected.
“I want to tell you, in all sincerity, that the two entries that we got from this community were very fine, very solid entries,” Mr Armstrong said of Middle Gate and NMS.
Mr Saadi added that he is honored to be part of presenting awards to “two very deserving schools” for the Remembering Our Heroes program.
“I’m really humbled to serve as commissioner for the Department of Veterans Affairs, because I have the privilege of meeting the agency with the mission of serving those who have served…” he elaborated.
“Truly Humbled”
Mr Saadi then presented a Certificate of Distinction to Middle Gate for recognition of excellence in the second annual Remembering Our Heroes program.
Middle Gate fourth grade teacher Linda Baron received the award on behalf of the school and thanked the Connecticut Department of Education and the Department of Veterans Affairs for recognizing Middle Gate.
“From the youngest of ages, we focus on raising awareness for the unsung heroes…” Ms Baron said. “Many [veterans] are too humble to seek recognition they deserve, so we would shine a spotlight on them at least once a year for Veterans Day.”
At the school’s annual Veterans Day assembly, students are encouraged to invite a veteran to be recognized. There, the students and faculty thank the brave individuals for the sacrifices they made defending our country and for preserving our freedoms.
Middle Gate also has Constitution Day and Flag Day assemblies, in addition to teaching the children in their classrooms about the branches of the military, what a veteran is, and the importance of them.
“We must listen to the stories of our veterans, so one day we can become their voices and allow their legacy to live on through us and through our children,” Ms Baron said. “I am truly humbled and honored to represent the many individuals who make this a success.”
“So Honored And Thankful”
Mr Saadi then presented a Certificate of Distinction to NMS for recognition of excellence in the second annual Remembering Our Heroes program.
Shari Oliver, co-coordinator of the social studies department at NMS, explained that the school has been celebrating Veterans Day in classes with projects for all her 25 years as a faculty member.
Recently, NMS began incorporating a Veterans Day breakfast with students and veterans, as well as a student-led assembly, where the school’s chorus and orchestra participate in the celebration.
“The best part of all is that every single year, kids get to sit with their local heroes and talk and learn so much…” Ms Oliver said. “We are so honored and thankful that we’re able to give back even just a little bit.”
Andrew San Angelo, NMS library/media specialist, also spoke at the Celebration of Excellence about the school’s honor and thanked the Connecticut Department of Education and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
He went on to thank all the parties involved for making the Veterans Day programming a success each year, which included the veterans for their service; Principal Tom Einhorn; Keith Hedin, who leads the orchestra; Jonathan Pope, who leads the choir; the PTA for organizing the food for the breakfast; Terri Greenfield and Chris Padula for their tremendous support before and during that day; and the many teachers that volunteer during the events.
Mr San Angelo even shared a moving story of a family who had three generations together for Veterans Day at NMS. The patriarch, the student’s grandfather, recently passed away, and the family wrote to the school expressing how much the Veterans Day program at NMS meant to the grandfather and how the family will cherish the memory of their time together that day.
“To me, this is why we do this for veterans,” He said, adding that without their service, we would not have the country we have today.
The BOE meeting then took an intermission to allow time for everyone to enjoy complimentary cookies and refreshments and to congratulate those honored.