Reelect Sandy Roussas
To the Editor:
I endorse Sandy Roussas in her reelection effort for the Board of Finance. For the past four years, Sandy has capably served on the Board of Finance, the last two of which were as vice chair. To appreciate Sandy’s public life, you should understand her personal life. She moved to Newtown for the same reasons as many of us: good schools, nice neighbors, and to raise a family. Sandy and her husband, Nick, have a daughter and son and separately own their own businesses. Sandy juggles the demands of her recently formed law practice, attending after school functions, helping with homework and being a mom. She arrives at board meetings after long and hectic days, but once the meetings begin, she is focused on improving Newtown.
Perhaps the most important function of the Board of Finance is its deliberation of the budgets, both for the town and the Board of Education. I am always struck watching and listening to Sandy as she struggles with the financial impact of the budget compared to its human dimensions. She has supported every school budget during her tenure but never loses sight of the pressure rising property taxes exert on us all. Sandy lives by the tenant that there is no right way to make the wrong decision. She was elected to represent us all and adheres to that responsibility.
Sandy, when reelected, will be the most tenured member of the Board of Finance. We will all benefit from her experience and expertise in analyzing budgets and their impact on our costs and our needs. Please join with me to reelect Sandy Roussas to the Board of Finance.
Mark Boland
66 Taunton Hill Road, Newtown October 23, 2019
Mr Boland currently serves on the Board of Finance.