Just Imagine
To the Editor:
Just imagine the birth of a magnificent baby boy in the spring of 1993.
Just imagine being his parent, creating an environment for this boy to be happy and to encourage him to be all that he can be.
Just imagine a young boy playing on a soccer field.
Just imagine a teenager playing on a soccer field.
Just imagine a car accident in January 2013.
Just imagine a 19-year-old paraplegic.
Just imagine a life changed forever.
Just imagine being his parent, creating an environment for this young man to be happy and to encourage him to be all that he can be.
Just imagine the excitement of finding the LOF Adaptive Skiers, a program that has a mission to assist you with your goals for this young man.
Just imagine watching your son acquiring a recreational activity and rediscovering the feeling of the freedom of his wheelchair.
Just imagine finding friends with similar disabilities and issues who can support you.
Just imagine the warmth of tears rolling down your face as you watch your son with great pride, waterskiing with a smile on his face.
Let's not imagine a group of people wanting to destroy such a wonderful positive program. My pain of dealing with my son's accident was never my choice, but you have a choice to assist many people with various disabilities. Let's help to create dreams and not to destroy them for these fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters.
Please see the value in the LOF Adaptive Skiers program and continue to add your support to Joel Zeisler and his amazing group of fabulous volunteers. Please grant them a permanent license for the use of Walnut Tree Hill Field.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. It means so much to all that are involved.
Yvonne B. Hall
3810 72nd Terrace East, Sarasota, Fla.ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 23, 2017