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Jami Sieber Performs For Reed Students



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Electric cellist and vocalist Jami Sieber spoke with Reed Intermediate School orchestra students during multiple periods at the school on Wednesday, October 14.

Ahead of the first presentation for students, the New Mexico resident explained she was touring New England and was staying in the area with Creative Music Center in Monroe owner Liz Reisman. Ms Sieber also gave a performance at Sound, center for music, creative arts, and mindfulness, at 31 Hawleyville Road, on Saturday, October 17. Ahead of that event, Ms Reisman connected online with Reed orchestra teacher Mardi Smith and set up the October 14 presentations for students.

“We have a special guest artist with us today,” Ms Smith said to a group of her students and other music students who joined them for the first presentation of the day.

Ms Sieber told the students she began playing the cello when she was 7 years old, and she did not know she wanted to play professionally as an adult until she began playing a different kind of music.

“Right now when you are playing your orchestra music,” said Ms Sieber to the students, “that’s just the beginning of something that will open doors.”

To all the students who may not love to practice playing their instrument, Ms Sieber said, “You only get out of music what you put in.”

Ms Sieber also shared the story of how she came to play music in 2001 with the Thai Elephant Orchestra in Thailand. As she told the students her story, she also demonstrated different techniques she uses to play her electric cello, and she sang some of the songs the Thai Elephant Orchestra inspired her to create.

“Their trunks are very sensitive,” Ms Sieber said about the elephants and her first time meeting them in Thailand. “They can hear, they can feel.”

Ms Sieber said when she began to play a rhythmic tune while the elephants were starting to surround her, they began to shake, “as if to say, ‘okay, I will dance with you.’”

“Music really is this bridge,” said Ms Sieber. “It doesn’t need language... words, or explanation.”

Ms Sieber shared her music and stories with a number of students at Reed throughout the day.

More information about Ms Sieber and her music is available on her website, jamisieber.com.

Jami Sieber played her electric cello for Reed Intermediate School students on Wednesday, October 14.
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