Why Finance Board Needs Change
Why Finance Board Needs Change
To the Editor:
As Po Murrayâs letter notes, the FFH parking lot affair provides an example of the inadequate planning and ineffective checks and balances that are costing Newtown taxpayers millions while leaving major community needs unmet.
Had co-candidate William McNerney and I been on the Board of Finance, we would have immediately questioned this parking lot deal. Bee reports of a âcapital leaseâ obligating the town to reimburse millions in Youth Academy borrowing were red flags. This was clearly a capital project being financed by the town using legal loopholes to avoid BOF, Legislative Council, and taxpayer approvals. We would have insisted on a review, questioned the lack of competitive bidding and the high interest rate, and urged an amendment of town statutes so that this could not recur.
We also would have protested as requests since January from the BOF and council members for other FFH financial information went unmet. The board may not be able to compel action given its âadvisory status,â but persistent criticism from it would be hard to ignore.
The current board did not discuss the FFH parking lot affair for nine months. After IPN raised the issue again, they did finally complain at two March 2009 budget meetings. But that was it.
Likewise, there was little discussion at the first CIP meeting last month when the selectmen requested $30 million in new capital spending for FFH, some for next year, despite a town process asking that potential projects be submitted five years from the date of the anticipated work. It was IPN Councilman Gary Davis who finally asked how this could happen, but nobody provided an answer.
A BOF member has called the IPN candidates âliarsâ for questioning the boardâs silence on the parking lot deal. He apparently read sinister implications into the word âmum,â used in our letters simply to describe their undisputed lack of initial public comment about the well-known deal.
This personal attack saddens me, not because it might be awkward should we be called to serve together, but because such language has a chilling effect on many who would otherwise choose to participate in political affairs. We should expect more from our public officials.
I have great respect for the BOFâs service, which has helped maintain our excellent credit rating. But this uncivil behavior suggests that some members resent any criticism, perhaps because they have served since the boardâs inception without facing a competitive election. In an effort to maintain full control of the body this year, they have even cross-endorsed one another, so that all six names appear on both party lines: an effort to discourage voters from electing new people to the board.
Itâs time, nevertheless, for fresh, strong, and independent voices on the Board of Finance. Please consider giving IPN candidates your vote this November to bring more effective governance to our town. Please read William McNerneyâs letter on how this affair demonstrates the need for improved planning that has been a signature IPN issue and also visit www.IPN2009.org.
Benjamin Roberts
IPN Candidate for Board of Finance
19 Farrell Road, Newtown                                    October 20, 2009