To the Editor:
To the Editor:
Over ten years ago, my husband and I moved to Newtown. We could not believe it was possible to find such a beautiful place commutable to lower Fairfield/Westchester Counties, with affordable housing and property taxes, good schools and area amenities.
I only wish we still believed that. Despite our property taxes having increased 62 percent over those ten years, outpacing annual salary increases, we have not seen enough progress from our town officials. Instead, we see a lot of nasty finger pointing via The Newtown Bee lettersâ¦not to mention the two dirtiest words in townâ¦.Fairfield Hills and all the related and diverted funds.
We can appreciate the enormity and complexity of running the town government and keeping all the constituents reasonably happy. But, we expect more of our Board of Selectmen and the Legislative Council.
We are regular and frequent voters in Newtown. This November, we are voting for honesty, integrity, strong work ethic and a clear priority listâ¦with the hope that Newtown will reemerge as a hometown to be proud of. A hometown where elected officials truly listen to its citizens, where the schools are highly rated and appropriately sized/funded, a town that attracts the right business development and preserves its sophisticated countryside ambianceâ¦but above all else, a town leadership that makes real and definable progress, short-term and long-term.
We believe that the Independent Party of Newtown will renew the votersâ trust and put us on the right path to revitalize Newtown. We encourage other voters to support Bruce Walczak and Bill Furrier.
Diana Patterson-DiSabato
7 Wilderness West Road, Newtown                                    October 14, 2009