To the Editor:
To the Editor:
I write to add my name to those supporting the candidacy of Republican Pat Llodra for first selectman.
The buzzword for this election is âplanning.â It is planning in the abstract, and I believe as an issue it is terribly overworked. Of all the candidates running, however, Pat stands out as the one who best understands the planning process because as an administrator in the field of education she has actually created plans and had to convert plans into action.
The real issue should be the character of the candidate herself or himself. Which of the four candidates do you trust to lead this town for the next two years in dealing with the predictable issues like Fairfield Hills and the annual budget? Which of the four do you trust to make the best decisions in the myriad unpredictable circumstances which arise in civic and political life every day and every week?
There is only one answer to those questions for me, and that is Pat Llodra. With no grandstanding, no convoluted thinking, just clear analysis and straightforward decision making, Pat is the one I trust. I urge all Newtown citizens to vote for Pat Llodra for first selectman.
Sincerely yours,
Robert H. Hall
5 Nettleton Avenue, Newtown                                October 21, 2009