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Newtown Fund's Holiday Gift Campaign Has Begun



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Newtown Fund’s Holiday Gift Campaign Has Begun

By Kendra Bobowick

As most imaginations stash unnamed dangers in the shadows of late October nights and shelves fill with Halloween candy, New Hope Community Church Pastor Jim Solomon’s thoughts have already skipped over the tricks, treats, and jack-o-lanterns that most residents are concentrating on these next few weeks. On his mind are holiday gift baskets.

“I want to get people thinking about giving,” said Pastor Solomon. Families, including several from his own congregation, are struggling financially or have lost their jobs. While the approach of Halloween may trigger early holiday thoughts, he is eager to get the Newtown Fund’s Holiday Basket campaign underway.

The Taunton Press is first in line this year to donate.

A Newtown Fund board member, Pastor Solomon waited in the magazine publisher’s lobby on October 9, where he soon received a $1,000 donation from company CEO Sue Roman. Together they kicked off the effort “in a strong way,” Ms Roman said. Contributions are important, “especially this year,” she said, also acknowledging the faltering economy.

“It’s so generous,” Pastor Solomon said. “They, like most, must be experiencing times that are tight.”

The gift may be a good investment, however.

“I believe that the more you give, the more you get, as long as you don’t give to get,” said the pastor, adding, “by giving to others we receive in ways that are not monetary. That’s what the holidays season is all about.”

With the holiday basket kick-off begun, residents who would like to make any financial contributions to the campaign can mail checks to Newtown Fund Holiday Gift Basket Program c/o Sharon Maynard, Branch Manager, Savings Bank of Danbury, 20 Church Hill Road, Newtown CT 06470.

Families and individuals who can use some help this holiday season are invited to contact Newtown Social Services office at 270-4330 to find out how to receive a Holiday Basket in December.

Dates To Remember

After October 30, those who would like to contribute, sponsor a family, inquire about gifts or food needed and/or volunteer time on December 18-19 when the gifts are collected, organized, wrapped and delivered, can contact Rick Mazzariello at 270-9190.

Boxes are also needed.

Financial contributions will be used to purchase gifts and food for people in need this year.

Depot Day this year — the day that all of the contributions are organized and then delivered — will be Saturday, December 19.

Preparations for Depot Day begin the day before. On December 18, residents who have last-minute unwrapped gifts to give can drop them off at Sandy Hook Elementary School at 6 pm. Volunteers will be busy that afternoon and evening, wrapping and organizing gifts and assembling boxes for recipients.

Last minute wrapped gifts labeled for the gender and age of the intended recipient can be dropped off on December 19 at the school after 7 am. Volunteers will be at the school between 7 am and 1 pm. Drivers are also needed.

The Newtown Fund, which benefits the town’s Social Services department, is a nonprofit volunteer organization that provides assistance to local residents. The holiday basket program relies on contributions to support families in need during the holidays.

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