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What Happens To The Police Dog?



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What Happens

To The Police Dog?

To the Editor:

Allegedly two Newtown officers were involved with stealing money from their fellow officers’ union funds account. If this turns out to be true, this will be something that these men have to suffer the consequences for, which will be handed down to them by there superiors.

To all the officers that are riddled with anger: don’t be, honor is a very tough character to get back once it’s lost.

Moving on to my point, one of the officers is the K-9 officer, which I have concerns with due to fact that the officer still has the Newtown’s police dog in his care. Why is that dog not in Newtown?

As a taxpayer I paid for that tool, a necessary tool that I have no access too!

What happens if a child in Newtown goes missing? We have to wait for the surrounding towns’ K-9 units to come? Time is ticking when a child goes missing.

All the money that has been invested into the dog, which is estimated around $50,000, is paid for by the Newtown’s taxpayers — is that money just thrown away due to this situation?

Does the dog return to Newtown with another officer that is capable of following though with his or her job description? What happens to my valuable asset, what happens if I need the dog?

Please take note that there are a tremendous amount of police officers in Newtown with integrity, pride, and morals! Every job has bad apples, no one will or can stop that from occurring, not even the police officers!

Allegedly, not only has money been taken, but the safety of my children as well!

Judy Vetare

5 Hanover Road, Newtown                                        October 19, 2010

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